




We are educators. More than just guiding them to getting A*s on their papers, we also have this ludicrous idea that they should come out of this, educated.

The aim is to widen their horizons, to broaden their view of the world, and to offer them marketable skills that will be valuable to both their developments and our future as the human race. We want to ignite their passions and strongly instil that learning doesn’t stop when you’ve left school.

What use is school, if the result is just a piece of paper that only mentions the fact of their attendance, that their only proof of an education were memories of suffering through dreary classes and handing in assignments on time?

Find out how our online IGCSE classes at Pasxcel is beneficial to your child in terms of academic and personal development. 

We are educators. More than just guiding them to getting A*s on their papers, we also have this ludicrous idea that they should come out of this, educated.

The aim is to widen their horizons, to broaden their view of the world, and to offer them marketable skills that will be valuable to both their developments and our future as the human race. We want to ignite their passions and strongly instil that learning doesn’t stop when you’ve left school.

What use is school, if the result is just a piece of paper that only mentions the fact of their attendance, that their only proof of an education were memories of suffering through dreary classes and handing in assignments on time?

Current Programmes

2 flying kid min

Comprehensive Subjects

We do not doubt that traditional subjects of Maths and Sciences would suffice as passable education. But, we are adamant for our students to learn to think beyond what they are told. Through these subjects they learn to create; instead of being pure consumers, they produce. We hope to instil a fervent curiosity that they will carry through life.


Curated subjects to develop marketable life skills

Our list of subjects is constantly expanding and updated
according to world trends. We ensure that our students will
always receive an education relevant to their future.

Our list of subjects is constantly expanding and updated according to world trends. We ensure that our students will always receive an education relevant to their future.
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world history icon

World History

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ethics icon


financial literacy icon

Financial Literacy

farming for beginners icon

Farming for Beginners

Why Do We Offer Comprehensive Subjects?

Current Programmes



We do not doubt that traditional subjects of Maths and Sciences would suffice as passable education. But, we are adamant for our students to learn to think beyond what they are told. Through these subjects they learn to create; instead of being pure consumers, they produce. We hope to instil a fervent curiosity that they will carry through life.

Curated subjects to develop marketable life skills

Our list of subjects is constantly expanding and updated according to world trends. We ensure that our students will always receive an education relevant to their future.
programming icon


literature icon


ethics icon


financial literacy icon

Financial Literacy

farming for beginners icon

Farming for Beginners

world history icon

World History

Why Do We Offer Comprehensive Subjects?


9 community activities min

The ability to survive in this world is not limited to memorising formulas. In these events, our students learn indispensable skills needed for an extraordinary future; to voice their opinions with strength and persuasion, to be producers and discoverers, build their social skills, effectively work in a group, think critically and much more!

We often take student suggestions on activities, choice of books or topics for debates. This encourages them to not only actively participate, but gives them a sense of pride and ownership in their ideas, further developing their joy for learning.



The ability to survive in this world is not limited to memorising formulas. In these events, our students learn indispensable skills needed for an extraordinary future; to voice their opinions with strength and persuasion, to be producers and discoverers, build their social skills, effectively work in a group, think critically and much more!

We often take student suggestions on activities, choice of books or topics for debates. This encourages them to not only actively participate, but gives them a sense of pride and ownership in their ideas, further developing their joy for learning.



Book Club

Book Club

Trivia Day




Why Do We Have Community Activities?



Book Club

Book Club

Trivia Day




Why Do We Have Community Activities?

Relive our

DiscoverGenius Programmes

Relive our

DiscoverGenius Programmes

Simmering in the Oven
for September 2021

Simmering in the oven for September 2021

HotSeat Series

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HotSeat Series

When in doubt, ask! We believe that in order to instil a strong sense of pursuit, grit and high ambitions, youngsters should be exposed to as many experiences and life’s possibilities.

At such a young age, how and where can our children accumulate these life-long lessons but through role models?

This programme is designed for students to discover real career experiences and life stories from established personalities coming from various backgrounds and career professions. In these sessions, students will take charge as show hosts, interviewing featured guests, probing them with various questions about their career, life or views on any topic.


Simmering in the Oven for September 2021


HotSeat Series

When in doubt, ask! We believe that in order to instil a strong sense of pursuit, grit and high ambitions, youngsters should be exposed to as many experiences and life’s possibilities.

At such a young age, how and where can our children accumulate these life-long lessons but through role models?

This programme is designed for students to discover real career experiences and life stories from established personalities coming from various backgrounds and career professions. In these sessions, students will take charge as show hosts, interviewing featured guests, probing them with various questions about their career, life or views on any topic.

Our Bucket List
for the near future



Never too soon to learn trade and compassion! Giving back is both a habit and a privilege – and with privilege, comes responsibility.

In this programme, students learn to organise a charity sale for their choice of cause or organisation. This will teach them various valuable lessons and skills such as; understanding the value of money, hard work, and the diversity of people, their needs and problems. 

We recognise that our children come from a position of privilege. OpenForCharity will help students understand their realities and develop gratitude for these privileges. This in turn will also teach them compassion as well as empathy, and to make the most of their lives and education, so they can use this upper hand to contribute back to society.

Our Bucket List
for the near future



Never too soon to learn trade and compassion! Giving back is both a habit and a privilege – and with privilege, comes responsibility.

In this programme, students learn to organise a charity sale for their choice of cause or organisation. This will teach them various valuable lessons and skills such as; understanding the value of money, hard work, and the diversity of people, their needs and problems. 

We recognise that our children come from a position of privilege. OpenForCharity will help students understand their realities and develop gratitude for these privileges. This in turn will also teach them compassion as well as empathy, and to make the most of their lives and education, so they can use this upper hand to contribute back to society.

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Cultural Immersion Trips

Travel is one of the best teachers. This programme is designed to expand students’ view of the world by immersing themselves in new experiences and realities in different countries and cities. It will open their minds to other cultures and while being appreciative of their own.

We had planned for a trip to Cambodia for the entire Pasxcel community of parents, teachers and students back in late 2020. Unfortunately, our plans are temporarily put to a halt, due travel restrictions for COVID-19. We hope to bring this programme alive as soon as it is safe for the world to travel again.


Cultural Immersion Trips

Travel is one of the best teachers. This programme is designed to expand students’ view of the world by immersing themselves in new experiences and realities in different countries and cities. It will open their minds to other cultures and while being appreciative of their own.

We had planned for a trip to Cambodia for the entire Pasxcel community of parents, teachers and students back in late 2020. Unfortunately, our plans are temporarily put to a halt, due travel restrictions for COVID-19. We hope to bring this programme alive as soon as it is safe for the world to travel again.

IGCSE Ascension


The Pasxcel



Don’t delay

your child’s future!

Enrol for upcoming intake NOW


IGCSE Ascension


The Pasxcel


Don't delay

your child's future!

Enrol for 2022 intake NOW.


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The Ultimate IGCSE Parents Playbook