

Date: 05/06/2020 12:00 am

Answering Parents’ FAQ On IGCSE Education For Their Child

We know many parents are having second thoughts about sending their kid for an online IGCSE homeschool thinking that it will be a less effective platform for learning. However, we have many parents that come back to us through and through telling us how our teachers have really turned a new leaf in their child’s learning experience, making them independent lifelong learners as they progress into the real world. We really want to educate more parents on the benefits of online homeschooling so if you have any questions/doubts/concerns that you want clarified, feel free to comment under the “Discussion” section so that we can address them during the Live Session on our Pasxcel Facebook page.

Here are some questions we will be answering during the Live:-

1) Is online homeshooling more beneficial than the traditional private/international schooling system?

2) My child is a slow learner, is it possible for him/her to score well in IGCSE exams?

3) Is it possible to complete Year 10 and 11 syllabus in a year or less?

4) Can my child sit for both IGCSE exams and SPM at the same time?

5) Are parents able to supervise and sit in while the classes are in session?

And many more…

Do remember to “Like” our page if you haven’t already and turn on the notification bell to get notified once we go Live on the 5th of June (Friday), 8pm (MYT)! Remember to invite your friends, relatives, cousins, teachers and everyone else to join in the session! See you then!

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