
Most Reliable Online IGCSE Homeschooling
In Malaysia

Pasxcel’s IGCSE Ascension Program

The Modern “Cone Of Experience” Teaching Method That Positively Prepares Your Child Beyond Classroom Achievements

Without Paying Exorbitant Fees For Disappointing Education Systems & Wasting Your Child’s Time Stuck In A Traditional Classroom For Years!

As Loving Parents, Have You Ever Felt…

Don’t you ever wish there was a passionate & professional educational system that creates a personalized learning journey to amplify your child’s curiosity in learning?

How about having a safe house that allows your child to freely explore every opportunity that life has to offer without being judged for their differences & allowing them to discover their passion without fear?

What if ALL of these common problems were non-existent, and you can confidently see your child’s growth day-by-day? From achieving phenomenal grades to shaping an independent character prepared for lifelong successes.

If that’s what you’re looking to provide for your child, our breakthrough “PICAP” teaching method is the exact solution you’ve been searching for. Enrol now for our IGCSE online learning in Malaysia.


The mind-blowing discovery after 2 years

After working hand-to-hand with thousands of parents, we’ve discovered that almost ALL parents felt the EXACT same way in some form or another. It’s a baffling statistic to know that you are paying your blood, sweat & tears for a disappointing education that is “playing” with your child’s growth.

Wait! What do I mean by that…?

As parents, we hold the power to filter and pick the BEST educational path for our children putting all of our hopes, dreams, and aspirations toward nurturing them into a future star.

You were excited about the future, visualizing how your child will mature into a talent with the tip-top education you plan to provide them since young. But at the same time, you felt lost in the sea of “information overload”.


So, You Started Asking These
Filtering Questions


With all these unanswered questions floating around you...

In the end, you’ve decided to pick the MOST reputable schools (International or Private) to play it safe, so your child is not exposed to negative influence.

You hope that all of your effort would soon harvest, right?


But... Parents Instantly Regret After Making This Gruesome Decision

It’s what 97% of Pasxcel parents have experienced. They believe that choosing the MOST reputable school was the key to their child’s immeasurable growth.

Yet here’s the puzzling problem…

Most parents only get to see the TRUE COLORS of international schools after sending their child to one. They realized they were overpaying international schools to receive a government school-like education system with fancy facilities and a “branded” name over their certifications for their child.

Or was it just a public school in disguise, charging exorbitant fees because of its huge compound and up-to-date facilities? You be the judge.

…And the pain-staking fact is that… Most international & private schools are like a vacuum machine, trying its best to trick you into pulling out more ringgits for your child while giving off the lowest possible value for their success.

So, How Can Pasxcel Ensure
Success For Your Child?

Introducing Pasxcel’s PICAP Framework



Pre-recorded lessons and preview for students to grasp a better understanding of the topic before the actual mastery class.


Insight Analysis

Pre-assessment before stepping into class. Allowing teachers to provide a more personalized classroom based on the student’s understanding


Collaborative Discussion

Creating more engaging hands-on activities and collaborative sessions with students to imprint contrasting experiential learning & mastery.


Active Questioning

Powerful questions lead to powerful answers. Students will be actively questioned to inspire deeper intellectual thought that develops critical thinking skills and the ability to pursue their conclusion


Passion Exploration

Encouraging and giving students the freedom to explore & discover their deepest interest through enriching activities.

What Other Disastrous Experience Parents
Faced From The Profit-Driven “Vacuum” Schools:

The list goes on. Whatever you heard was true, it all exists within compounds far from the reach of the public eyes.

Imagine how your child is growing while facing these THREE major challenges: mental health issues, negative learning environment and academic pressure?

No wonder they were physically and mentally drained after classes – every single day!

However, it’s NOT your fault for choosing any of the schools that are dragging your child’s learning curve.

You’re just being misinformed by the misleading branding these “reputational” schools have.

Why The PICAP Framework?

Our PICAP framework and teaching methodology in our online IGCSE school was a reversed-engineered framework from the famous Edgar Dale’s Cone Of Experience dedicated to bring more stimulation and colors to every student’s learning canvas.

“The Beauty Of Colors Are Only Admired By Those Who Have Seen Them”


With the modernly redefined learning framework in our online IGCSE school, your child will be exposed to endless triggers that would spark curiosity and reignite the learning fire hidden deep within their souls – that was previously crushed by unpassionate educators.

Being able to create an active learning environment and paint beautiful colors in the mind of students to prepare them for future endeavors, will award your child with a competitive edge over others with traditional learning methods.

Who Is This Programme Designed To Help?

Bully Victim

In Pasxcel, we’ve built a safe learning environment, so your child can confidently grow without worrying about the potential attack of a bully.

School Phobia

Does your child find hundreds of ways just to avoid school? We are here to create a customized plan to help your child master the syllabus in a comfortable environment. We also have resources section to encourage students to read more.

Learning Disabilities

We believe every child is capable of learning, but it differs from each individual. That’s why we cater a personalized learning journey based on your child’s learning ability.

Expatriate Families

If you’re always on the move, transferring your child from one school to another and halting their progress. Our online program ensures your child will stay on track, no matter where you go.

Genius Children

If we discover your child has the gift to absorb knowledge quicker than their age, we are going to restructure a plan that fits their learning desire.

Elite Athletes

Does your child have to always travel and compete in tournaments? With our modernized education system, they will not fall behind their studies, even with a hectic schedule.

What Are The IGCSE Subjects We’re Offering?

What Are The Subjects We’re Offering?

Check Out Their Amazing Breakthroughs
With Pasxcel’s Program!

What Makes Pasxcel IGCSE Ascension
Program So Special?


School Starts Later

Studies found that students’ natural biology clock differs from adults. Allowing students to get more sleep helps in overall brain development, improved concentration and optimal performance in class.


Small Class Size

Max 5-7 students per class. Assuring every student gets precious attention from teachers.


Personalized Study Techniques

Helping students to identify their most optimized study and revision technique, such as visuals or audio - so they are able to learn in the most suitable way possible.


Two-Way Learning

Students have the opportunity to chat and voice out all their burning questions immediately in class.


Personal Assistance

Private 1-on-1 sessions dedicated to give personal attention and help your child better understand any syllabus they find difficult in class


consistent communication With Parents

Parents will constantly receive feedback & updates from teachers about the child’s individual development in class. No more being a clueless parent!


Academic Accountability & Study Techniques

Every student will be asked to accomplish weekly accountability tasks, such as goal setting and timetable creation to practice a champion’s mindset.


Efficient School Days

Scientifically designed timetables that allow students to perform at peak. Reducing time & energy drainage for students.


Limited Subject Selection

Students are limited to take a maximum of 6 IGCSE subjects. We focus on developing positive character traits that give students the biggest probability to succeed in the real world.


Counselling & Motivation

Our teachers will immediately reach out and lend a helping hand to any student when they notice something is amiss. Ensuring student’s overall happiness and wellbeing throughout the program.


Strict Teacher Selection

Our teachers are real professionals, such as doctors, accountants & dentists. Ensuring quality teachers, with a colorful background that inspires growth in students’ learning journey.


Celebrating Individuality

Skipping formalities, uniforms and teacher student relationships. We create a safe space and become the pillar of support for students to express themselves confidently.


Safe Learning Environment

Providing the safest environment for your child to be their purest self. Allowing them to express their thoughts and interest with support from our team.

Ready To Kickstart A Personalized Learning Journey And Explore Your Child’s Limitless Potential With Pasxcel’s IGCSE Ascension Program?

Here’s A Quick Question, Do You Want To:


Then Pasxcel is the solution you’ve been looking for

You’re just ONE session away from discovering the modernized form of personalized education meant to unlock your child’s capabilities of achieving both blissfulness and success in life.

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The Ultimate IGCSE Parents Playbook