
The Fellowship Programme is a programme where your children will be exposed to real working environments where they will be able to experience what it’s like working at a company. The Fellowship Programme is catered to allow your child to explore a wide range of industries and fields through a Placement Programme. Your child will be given the opportunity to learn about the different career paths available to them as well as gain valuable skills through their engagement within the industry. 


As an example, one of our alumni, Kamil Sirhan, interned with us at Pasxcel after completing his Fast Track Programme in which he managed to learn more about Office Management, HR Management, and Corporate Communications.


Of course, we understand that some of your children have already decided on what their career paths will be and with that in mind the Fellowship Programme also includes a Social Activism Track. Your child will be involved in activities and groups that deal with social activism giving them an opportunity to develop a strong sense of social awareness and responsibility. They will participate in charity and volunteering organisations where they can experience first hand, the joy of giving back to the community.